Updates in store for DoX CMS
DoX CMS will be updated to version 8 on week 14. Thus, there lots of new and wondrous things in store, for example, in the shape and form of the following features and updates:
- reviews available on publication level
- expanded publication freeze: module content, images, and variables as well as the publication cover, selected style, and publishing variables are frozen
- in views, new resources are listed at the top of the view by default
- module copy: the original module name will be a default suggestion in the copy dialogue; the dialogue will also offer to place the created module below the original copy source
- M-Files integration
DoX CMS version 7 included, among others, the following changes and updates:
- new Review function and view
- updated translation dialogue: name for the translation project file can be determined freely, option to skip modules, translation of PDF modules, etc.
- improvements in translation import views: only one import button, possibility to import to another target language than the originally defined target language
- new grid: faster view loading times, drag & drop between grids for example in the Topic Trees view, Collapse/Expand All made available, also Clipboard available, etc.
- individual modules and selecting a specific revision; publications accept other module versions than just 'Approved' or 'Active'
- language versions for images with the Bundle function
- PDF modules
- new PDF exporter DocRaptor
- new attribute 'Conref'
and so, so much more. If you are interested in learning more about the content of the update, do contact us. We are available at the usual addresses or numbers - or you can drop us a line at support@dox.fi.
At the moment, DoX CMS is available in multiple different versions. As a result of the week 14 update, all instances will be fully updated to version 8 regardless of the original version. In the future, according to our new update schedule, larger DoX CMS updates will take place four times a year. The version 8 update in week 14 will start the updates process for the year 2020.